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Verge 500
Water purification system. 500 L / h. High TDS capability.
51.898,05 25.871,10 25871.100000000002 USD
4.778,36 3.106,61 3106.61 USD
Airthings Hub, 24/7 access to your Airthings monitoring data
Airthings Hub, 24/7 access to your Airthings monitoring data
154,81 103,38 103.38 USD
Airthings 2960 View Plus
Airthings 2960 View Plus - Radon & Luchtkwaliteitsmonitoring met PM2.5, CO2, VOC, Luchtvochtigheid & Temperatuur, Mobiele App, WiFi & Meldingen
289,88 250,40 250.4 USD
Airthings Wave Plus 2930
Airthings Wave Plus 2930 Radondetector met CO2-sensoren, VOC's, Temperatuur, Luchtvochtigheid en Luchtdruk - Wit - 12 cm Diameter
211,96 171,44 171.44 USD